Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New Home - The Store is Finally Open!

For now, I will have to post in English and Spanish, since I finally relocated to my home country Peru.

The move is also finally over, and all my things arrive by ship - after going to Chile and back - last week. The Etsy site is up-and-running!! Check it out! http://www.barretzz.etsy.com/

Still, I have a lot to do! I am doing a research of new fabrics and new materials that you can find here in Peru, like baby Alpaca, or different type of wool and cotton fabrics. The best addition so far is Pima cotton, for the onesies!

Thanks for following, and I'll keep you posted!

Kind regards,


La mudanza finalmente termino!! Las cosas finalmente han llegado despues de irse a dar una vuelta a Chile y regresar al Callao la semana pasada.

La tienda de Etsy esta abierta!! Den una vuelta por alli: http://www.barretzz.etsy.com/

Ando en la busqueda de nuevos materiales, nuevas telas y tambien creando nuevos disenos. Estoy viendo muestras de Alpaca bebe, lana y algodon - todos de manufactura peruana.

Hasta ahora el mejor cambio en la tienda, seran los onesies (bebe-crece, body o como quieran decirles) de importados a 100% algodon pima. Genial!

Gracias por seguirme, y los mantengo informados,




I adore the shoes you make! We're expecting a sweet little baby girl in 5 months and her little feet would be so cute adorned with your adorable shoes :)